Sister Bai's information

Issue 210: Three lines of the issue of Bai Da Jie Information Center

Published on: 2024-07-28 01:09:07

Original data of 210 issues → [3 lines must be won in the issue]: [gold, earth, water]?? accurate

Original data of Issue 208 → [3 lines must be won in the issue]:【 Soil , gold, fire] open 04

207 original materials → [3 lines must be in the middle of the period]: [wood, fire, Soil 】Open 18

206 original materials → [3 lines must be won in the period]: [Water, wood , gold] Kai 14

Original data of Issue 205 → [3 lines must be won in the issue]: [Tu, gold , water] 40

204 original materials → [3 lines must be in the middle of the period]: [wood, gold, Soil 】Open 05 standard

Original data of Issue 202 → [3 lines must be in the period]:【 water , wood, fire] open 43

Original data of Issue 201 → [3 lines must be won in the issue]: [Water, gold , wooden] 25

Original data of 199 issues → [3 lines must be in the period]: [Jin, wood , water] 15

198 original materials → [3 lines must be won in the period]: [Tu, fire , gold] open 16

197 original materials → [3 lines must be won in the period]: [Tu, gold , fire] open 10

source: 2024 Macao Genuine Materials


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